Voyages Through Time: A High School Integrated Educational Science Curriculum
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The Curriculum Cosmic Evolution Planetary Evolution Origin of Life Evolution of Life Hominid Evolution Evolution of Technology
Educational Curriculum Based on the Theme of Evolution Educational Curriculum

Jill Tarter, who is featured in several VTT videos talking about her research and areas of expertise, has received the 2009 TED prize for her commitment to education and the development of two science curricula including Voyages Through Time and the Universe series. Read the article here.

Educational Curriculum Based on the Theme of Evolution
Educational Curriculum Based on the Theme of Evolution Educational Curriculum Based on the Theme of Evolution


Voyages Through Time is an integrated science curriculum for ninth or tenth grade based on the theme of evolution and delivered on CD-ROM.

Take the Tour to find out how to use the curriculum, how it was developed, and to hear what teachers and students have to say.

Order Now  and receive a wealth of educational material including thousands of images, videos, and simulations.

Learning in Motion: Educational Curriculum
National Science Foundation California Academy of Science: Science Education for California San Francisco State University: Education Excellence SETI Institute

Voyages Through Time is an integrated high school science curriculum for ninth or tenth grade based on the theme of evolution and delivered on CD-ROM.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.9730693. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.